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AutoCAD 2010: Joining Lines, Polylines and Arcs

This video tutorial demonstrates how to join lines, polylines and arcs using the Join command and the Edit Polyline command. Running time: 6min 49sec

Popularity: 29.33 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 166,225

Site Layout Exercise 1

This exercise is designed to help you test out your basic AutoCAD skills. You'll need an understanding of the Draw and Modify tools and how to use co-ordinates.

Popularity: 53.97 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 368,956

AutoCAD 2010: 3D Array

This tutorial introduces 3D Array tool and covers both Rectangular and Polar arrays. Despite the fact that it doesn't have a neat dialogue box, like its 2D cousin, 3D Array is pretty easy to use and can be used to create some impressive results. Running time: 3min 34sec

Popularity: 8.24 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 45,239

Using Co-ordinates

All about the use of co-ordinates in AutoCAD.

Popularity: 60.34 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 412,477

Creating Seamless Tiles

This tutorial shows you how to create perfectly seamless image tiles in Photoshop. The image tiles are perfect for creating image based materials in AutoCAD, MAX or Bryce.

Popularity: 12.03 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 82,209

Object Properties

This tutorial describes how to control the display of objects (colour, linetype etc.) using layers. It also explains what layers are and how they should be used.

Popularity: 62.58 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 427,828

Creating Custom Bitmap Materials

This tutorial demonstartes how to create your own bitmap based materials using Photoshop and AutoCAD.

Popularity: 16.5 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 112,803

Uploading Files with SmartFTP

This tutorial guides you through the process of uploading your website files to a web server using the SmartFTP client.

Popularity: 3.47 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 23,742

Optimisation and Workflow

This tutorial discusses the various ways you can make your modelling work more efficient.

Popularity: 4.93 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 30,412

Keyframe Animation

This tutorial gives a basic but comprehensive introduction to keyframe animation in Bryce and introduces some key concepts in animation generally.

Popularity: 6.64 visits per day | Last visit: Today | Total visits: 45,375

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North Point Exercise

North Point Exercise | AutoCAD

An exercise sheet, covering a range of basic skills including object snaps.

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